Report Glossary
The Report Glossary describes the metrics and descriptions for all the different data types.
Media Report
A Media Report shows placement and performance results.
Metric | Description |
Impressions | Number of player loads |
Unique Impressions | Number of unique player users |
Revenue | Total revenue of the placement unit |
RPM | Net Revenue per 1000 player loads |
Ad Server Video Imps | Total number of Ad Impressions from Publishers Ad Server |
Primis VIdeo Imps | Total number of Ad Impressions from Primis Marketplace |
Total Video Imps | Total number of Video Ad Impressions |
Ad Server Video Revenue | Total Revenue from Publishers Ad Server |
Primis Revenue | Net revenue from Primis marketplace |
Ad Server Video CPM | The Video Ad CPM of Publisher's Adserver |
Primis Video CPM | The Video Ad CPM of Primis marketplace |
Ad Server Commision | Serving fee commission on served Video Ads of Publisher's Adserver |
IVT Hidden (%) | Measure technical issues that prevented from the player to load |
Avg. Duration | Time spent on page (in seconds) |
Avg. Viewable Duration | Time spent on page while player was in view (seconds) |
Viewability Duration Rate (%) | Avg. Viewable Duration / Avg. Duration (%) |
Viewable Imps (%) | Percentage of Viewable player loads (2 seconds, +50% pixels on view) |
GDPR Consent (%) | Percentage of GDPR consents passed to Primis per Placement Imps. |
Float Close (%) | Percentage of users who closed the Float unit |
Engagement Rate (%) | How many users engage with the content (click on the sound, full screen, likes, etc) |
IDFA\AID Passed (%) | Identifier for Advertising (app related only) |
Video Media Fill Rate (%) | Video Ad Impressions per Placement Imps (Player Load) |
Content Impressions | Number of Video Content Starts |
Content Fill Rate (%) | Content Imps starts per Placement Imps (Player Load) |
Content VTR (%) | Percentage of users who watched a video for at least 30 seconds |
Ad Server Report
Generates a report about your campaign performance.
Metric | Description |
Video Ad Imps | Served Video Ad Impressions |
Revenue | Revenue |
Clicks | Clicks |
Viewability Rate | Video Ad impressions viewability as declared by MRC |
Attempts | Number of Ad Calls that were sent to the SSP/Exchange |
Attempt CPM | The eCPM of ad attempts. (equal to Revenue/Attempts*1000) |
Responses | Non-empty valid responses |
CTR(%) | CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown |
VTR (%) | The percentage of Video Ad imps that played to completion |
Fill Rate (%) | Video Ad Imps / Attempts |
Success Rate (%) | Video Imps / (Responses*Win Rate (%)) |
Response Rate (%) | Responses / Attempts |
Ad Server Commission | Video Ads Serving fee commission |
Win Rate (%) | The percentage of impressions that are won in auctions. equal to wins/responses*100 |
Content Report
A Content Report shows how your videos are performing
Metric | Description |
Content Imps | Number of Video Content Starts |
Content GUID | Video ID provided by the publisher/content provider |
Full Screen Events (%) | Percentage of users enabling Full-screen |
Volume Events (%) | Percentage of users enabling Sound On |
Playlist Events (%) | Percentage of users clicking on the Playlist Thumbnails |
Timeline Events (%) | Percentage of users changing the video timeline |
Complete (%) | Percentage of content impressions completed |
VTR (%) | Percentage of users who watched a video for at least 30 seconds |
Pause Events (%) | Percentage of users who paused the video |
Like Events | Number Likes by users on Primis platform |
CTR (%) | CTR is the number of clicks receives divided by the number of times your conent is shown |
Content Clicks | Number of Video Content Clicks |
Engagement Rate | Percentage of all users engage metrics (click on the sound, full screen, likes, etc) |
Syndication Program Report
A Syndication Program Report shows the revenue earned from the Primis Syndication Program.
- The Primis Syndication Program lets you utilize the Primis built-in discovery engine to promote your content and earn revenue from it. For example, earn revenue from your financial video viewed on a financial website.
Metric | Description |
GUID | Video ID provided by the publisher/content provider |
Content Revenue | Revenue generated from the video |
Content eCPM | The effective CPM generated from the video |
Content Imps | Number of Video Content Starts |
Content Clicks | Number of Video Content Clicks |
CTR (%) | CTR is the number of clicks receives divided by the number of times your conent is shown |
Full Screen Events (%) | Percentage of users enabling Full-screen |
Volume Events (%) | Percentage of users enabling Sound On |
Playlist Events (%) | Percentage of users clicking on the Playlist Thumbnails |
Timeline Events (%) | Percentage of users changing the video timeline |
Engagement Rate | Percentage of all users engage metrics (click on the sound, full screen, likes, etc) |
Like Events | Number Likes by users on Primis platform |
Complete (%) | Percentage of users who watched the video till the end |
VTR (%) | Percentage of users who watched a video for at least 30 seconds |
Pause Events (%) | Percentage of users who paused the video |
Updated over 2 years ago