OpenRTB S2S guide
oRTB 2.5
Getting Started
In order to start receiving requests you need to supply us with:
- Endpoints (URLs) and optional port number (Default is 80) - US SC, US NY, EU, FR, IN, APAC
- QPS limit (if needed)
- Sync URL - in case of web environment
- Campaign ID - the relevant seat\campaign being called
- Specify unique requests which are not based on oRTB 2.5 standard
- Targeting: The Primis SSP can send bid requests to the specific targeting, based on your needs
Bid Request
The Primis SSP service follows the OpenRTB 2.5 guidelines.
In addition, our service is flexible and can support additional variables or any required customization.
- Supported inventory: inline video
- Supported platforms: desktop, mobile web and mobile apps
- Bid request timeout is 1000ms (bidrequest.tmax)
- First-price auction is applied ( is set to 1)
- All bid requests requires secure ( is set to 1)
- TAG pchain is always sent (bidrequest.source.pchain)
- GDPR consent string is send if GDPR should be applied (bidrequest.regs.ext.gdpr, bidrequest.regs.ext.consent) according to TCF 2.0
- Schain object is sent according to oRTB 2.5 standartd (bidrequest.source.ext.schain), but can support other hierarchies as well
- Supported blocking capabilites (bcat, badv)
User ID Syncing
This applies only to desktop and mobile web traffic
The most convenient method for Primis to perform user sync is as follows:
- Sync type: image pixel
- The partner will provide us with a pixel sync URL, which must include a "redirect" parameter
- Primis will add the redirect URL into the "redirect" parameter with the UUID macro
- Upon receiving the sync request, the partner will replace the macro with the UUID and initiate the redirect pixel
User sync URL example
Updated about 3 years ago