IOS SDK Version History
Date | SDK Version | Changes |
08.11.20 | 0.1.0 | Initial release |
11.03.21 | 1.1.0 | IAB TCF 2.0 support, ATT support, Google IMA SDK support |
05.08.21 | 1.2.0 | TableView support, Overlapping Views, View Controller Containment |
17.08.21 | 1.3.0 | CollectionView support, skins bugfixes |
07.12.21 | 1.4.0 | Added basic supports of React Native with IMA |
05.03.22 | 1.5.0 | Player layout improvement, floating unit positions supported |
01.05.22 | 1.6.0 | WebView applications support, Floating unit preset control, Single player and multiple indexes, SwiftPackages and CocoaPods |
23.05.22 | 1.6.1 | Bug Fix: Embedded tableView with custom width, ReactNative with ScrollView |
31.05.22 | 1.6.2 | Bug Fix: Embedded tableView with custom container width |
21.06.22 | 1.6.3 | Bug Fix: Version string correction, ReactNative with WebView |
12.09.22 | 1.6.4 | Bug Fix: Support dynamic content loading in webView implementation |
31.10.22 | 1.7.0 | PlayerAPI - receive player events, react-native custom floatingParentView, Integration with Google IMA SDK Ver 3.16.3, ‘Friendly Views’ for Overlapping Detection |
11.01.23 | 1.7.1 | Overwrite protection for Primis sdk version string, new report filter subId=sdk to isolate the sdk traffic in reports |
20.02.23 | 2.0.0 | Added M1 (arm64) support for simulator |
22.03.23 | 2.0.1 | Bug Fix: Safe removal of GDPR consent observer |
10.04.23 | 2.0.2 | Bug Fix: Disabled contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior for Primis Player |
24.04.23 | 2.0.3 | BugFix: The Player is overlapped in TableView/CollectionView before receiving a cell |
16.05.23 | 2.1.0 | Added floating configurations “seen-both” and “below”. Added support for GDPR consent string in webView applications. Built with Xcode 14.1 |
19.06.23 | 2.2.0 | Added support for reused table cells. Bug Fix: Resolved a crash related to dynamic cell resizing by player |
30.07.23 | 2.2.1 | Bugfix: a cocoapods distribution issue |
03.09.23 | 2.3.0 | Added PPID for IMA ads, Resolved a duration measurement issue in tableview |
31.10.23 | 2.3.1 | Bugfix: Resolved a crash related to IMA and embedded tableView with re-used cell |
SDK Version 2.3.1
- [Bugfix] Resolved a crash related to IMA and embedded tableView with re-used cell
SDK Version 2.3.0
- [New] Added PPID for IMA ads
- [Bugfix] Resolved a duration measurement issue in tableview
SDK Version 2.2.1
- [Bugfix] Resolved a a cocoapods distribution issue
SDK Version 2.2.0
- [New] Added support for reused table cells
- [Bugfix] Resolved a crash related to dynamic cell resizing by player
SDK Version 2.1.0
- [New] The Player now supports all floating configurations: “above”, “below”, “both” and “seen-both”
- [New] Added support for GDPR consent string in WebView Applications
- [New] Built with Xcode 14.1
SDK Version 2.0.3
- [Bugfix] The Player is overlapped in TableView/CollectionView before receiving a cell
SDK Version 2.0.2
- [Bugfix] Disabled contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior for Primis Player
SDK Version 2.0.1
- [Bugfix] Safe removal of GDPR consent observer
SDK Version 2.0.0
- [New] Added for M1 (arm64) support for xcode simulator (A breaking change)
SDK Version 1.7.1
- [Bugfix] Primis sdk version string - overwrite protection
- [Bugfix] Include subId as a report filter to isolate sdk traffic
SDK Version 1.7.0
- [New] Player API - player events interface to the host application
- [New] React-Native - custom floating parent view
- [New] Integration with Google IMA SDK version 3.16.3
- [New] ‘Friendly Views’ addition for Overlapping Detection
SDK Version 1.6.4
- [Bugfix] Support dynamic content loading in webView implementation
SDK Version 1.6.3
- [Bugfix] Version string correction
- [New] Support for WebView integration with ReactNative
SDK Version 1.6.2
- [Bugfix] Embedded tableView with custom container width
SDK Version 1.6.1
- [Bugfix] Embedded tableView with custom width
- [New] Support for ScrollView integration with ReactNative
SDK Version 1.6.0
- [New] Floating unit preset control
- [New] Support for webView applications
- [New] Single player - multiple indexes inside Table and Collection View
- [New] Support for Swift Packages and CocoaPods
SDK Version 1.5.0
- [New] Floating unit positions are fully supported
- [New] Player layout improvements
SDK Version 1.4.0
- [New] Added basic supports of React Native with IMA
- [New] Added additional logs and debug symbols
SDK Version 1.3.0
- [New] Added support for UICollectionView
- [Fixed] Resizing in skins
SDK Version 1.2.0
- [New] Added support for UITableView, UITableViewController
- [New] Added support for UIViewController Containment (parent / child)
- [New] Detection of modal views (e.g. menus, alert views, etc.) which may overlap the player
SDK Version 1.1.0
- [New] IAB TCF 2.0 support
- [New] ATT support
- [New] Google IMA SDK support
SDK Version 1.0.0
- Initial release
Updated over 1 year ago