SDK for Android
Primis Android SDK latest version is 1.11.1, Download from here
Apps built with the Primis Player SDK for Android will obtain a fully working Primis player with most of its web functionalities.
Key Supported Features:
- Skins
- Layouts
- Playlists
- Monetization
- Floating mode
- Viewability detection
Item | Notes |
Android Studio | IDE for Android |
Android SDK version | The minimum Android SDK version is 5.0 (API level 21) |
Primis placement ID | Reach out to your Pub. Success Manager at Primis for more details |
Primis SDK | Latest version |
Google IMA SDK for Android | Version 3.28.2, Implementation steps below |
Basic Terms
A few terms to be familiar with before we start:
Primis player - A Web-based video player running inside a WebView
Primis SDK - An Android library providing essential native functionality
Floating player/unit/mode- A floating Primis player that can be located on the screen according to placement settings
Player container - A FrameLayout that is used as Primis player view container when it is not in floating mode
Flow parent - The view group of type FrameLayout to be used as the floating player container
Placement ID - A unique identifier for the player set of settings predefined in the Primis dashboard
General Installation
- Primis monetization services require Google IMA SDK. See instructions below.
- Follow the guidelines below to get the PrimisPlayer library by Gradle or manual download.
Gradle Setup
- Add the following code to your repositories block
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = 'token'
password = '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'
- Add the following code to the app-level “build.gradle” to import Primis Player and Google IMA:
dependencies {
// Primis player SDK //
implementation 'tech.primis:player:X.X.X'
// Support for Google IMA SDK
implementation ''
Manual Download
Download Primis SDK from here
Add Primis .aar file (primisplayer-release-vX.X.X.aar) to "Project-Name/app/libs" folder.
- Add the .aar file as a dependency. See Android documentation
- Add the following code to app-level “build.gradle”:
dependencies {
// Used by PrimisPlayer
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.1.1'
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.6.1'
// Support for Google IMA SDK
implementation ''
- In the file, set “android.useAndroidX” and “android.enableJetifier” to true. These plugin files enable you to use androidx-namespaced libraries in your project. If you are using a current version of Android Studio, the file should already contain these settings.
Proguard Settings
If you are using proguard to build your app, add the following rule:
-keep class tech.primis.player** {*;}
In addition, follow Google’s proguard instructions for IMA SDK here
Adding Primis player
- To import Primis Player add the following:
import tech.primis.player.PrimisPlayer
- Create and configure a PrimisPlayer instance using PrimisConfiguration.Builder class:
Declare a nullable variable that will hold the PrimisPlayer instance:
Use the PrimisConfiguration.Builder to create a configured PrimisPlayer instance:var primisPlayer: PrimisPlayer?
primisPlayer = PrimisConfiguration.Builder() .placement("123456") .createPlayer(applicationContext)
Using PrimisPlayr.param to set the player’s configuration is deprecated since SDK version 1.9.0
Since Primis SDK version 1.6.0 there is no need to add any code for integrating the floating unit. The floating option can be activated from the Primis dashboard. For advanced configuration only, please refer to this section and contact your Publisher Success Manager.
Player Destruction
Remove the player when the View is about to be destroyed (e.g. onDestroy(), onDestroyView()).
The destruction of the player is handled internally in the SDK when the player is detached from view.
primisPlayer?.let {
primisPlayer = null
- In RecyclerView call the above from within the onDetachedFromRecyclerView(recyclerView: RecyclerView).
- We recommend that you’d also set the PrimisPlayer instance to null after calling remove()
Implementation type
According to your implementation type, continue to one of the sections below:
- RecyclerView Implementation
- ScrollView Implementation
- WebView Implementation
- React-Native ScrollView Implementation
Android SDK Advanced Features
For advanced features please use this guide
Sample Application
Check out our sample application on GitHub and see the Primis SDK in action.
The sample app demonstrate how to integrate Primis SDK for Android. Be sure to read the README file for detailed setup instructions and usage guidelines.
Updated over 1 year ago